First Baby Research Paper

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It can be frightening to plan for first baby. We know every woman is unique in herself and so as her pregnancy. This creates more confusion to those women who exactly want to know what to expect in their first pregnancy. There are many women who believe that birth is intended to happen easily but they need to know that the standard pregnancy care is not based on some facts or evidence and therefore it is necessary to know some facts that every expecting mother should know.

Education about childbirth can assist women simplify birth and pregnancy and can be a resource for understanding how pregnancy care influence the overall health of the mother as well as baby.

The process of birth is carefully and simply designed. We known women's bodies are specifically designed to nourish babies and give birth. For instance, around last weeks of pregnancy, an array of physiologic changes occurs, her cervix starts soften and begin to efface and dilate. The muscle of uterine becomes highly responsive to oxytocin, whose level gradually starts rising more …show more content…

Pain is a vital element helps in progress the labor however, stress hormones disrupt the process. Stress and anxiety can stop labor and also slow the progress in active labor. The changing positions and following the urge in response to what she is feeling, not only assist the baby move down and rotate, but also keep birth canal and baby safe.

In case endorphin and oxytocin levels are high at the time of childbirth, catecholamines naturally release and give strength to woman to push out the baby. Labor and giving birth is a naturally and beautifully designed process, so it is good to respect this process especially if you want to keep your pregnancy safe and easier. Don't try to interfere until unless there is a doctor's suggestion or medical

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