Finding Nemo

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For my video paper I chose to do a Pixar movie called Finding Nemo. Although Pixar movies are more aimed for the younger generations, it is becoming more popular for these movies to be introduced in the classrooms. In our DeVito text it shows and explains all the different forms of communication that can be related back to Finding Nemo. Along with other Pixar movies, they all portray many different aspects of communication. Nonverbal communication is presented in the movie by using gestures/movement. Although cartoon characters are not actually real people in the movie, they are created by real people who have experienced nonverbal communication in their lives. Throughout the movie Finding Nemo, many different examples and forms of communication are portrayed. As I already stated I will be focusing on the importance of Nonverbal communication by pointing out the messages and different examples. Nonverbal communication is just as important as verbal because “nonverbal signals will indeed carry more of a meaning than words you use, perhaps in expressing strong emotions.” (DeVito 7) Lots of messages have different meanings that can either improve a relationship it or ruin one. Nonverbal communication can be shown by many different gestures, body movements, and understood by all the different channels. For example, when Dory believes that Marlin has entered her personal space by following her too closely she reacts by using proxemics to intimidate Marlin. Dory purposely enters Marlin’s personal space to show dominance and her gestures show “affect display.” Dory’s affect display is “the movements of the face that convey emotional meaning- the expressions that show anger and fear, happiness and surprise…” (DeVito 144) It is a nonver... ... middle of paper ... ... to get his point across. Throughout Finding Nemo we see many different types of nonverbal communication through gestures, actions, and reactions of characters that show us how important nonverbal communication really is. It is very crucial in plain daily communication as my examples support the meaning of messages and the importance. Although Finding Nemo has more nonverbal examples from what I have written it is important to know that it has various forms that replace certain parts of verbal. Understanding nonverbal communication can make it much easier for one in a situation because they would be able to pick up on the messages. Dory might not have picked up on the messages Marlin was giving but in a situation like this a different approach would have to be taken. Nonverbal communication created Dory and Marlin’s friendship and in the end improved it at as well.

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