Final Synthesis Essay

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Our society is constantly changing and growing. Among those things changing is the more frequent use of technology in our everyday lives. A couple decades ago you would rarely see anyone with any form of technology; books and libraries were the source to finding the answer to any question one might have. However, in today's society, technology has replaced those resources with a much faster way to get the job done. One issue that arises with modern technology is the impact it has on items and ideas of the past such as public libraries. Although many think the era of public libraries is coming to an end, I believe that this is an opportunity for public libraries to become more prevalent in our lives and adapt to the changes in our society. In the 1730s, the US was introduced to a new resource when Ben Franklin founded the first public library (source a). …show more content…

In the past many students would utilize public libraries to aid them in their studies. Now, people can instantly browse the internet for answers in a fraction of the time they would spend at the library. Nevertheless there is still a fraction of the population who do not have regular access to the internet. A recent study showed that Hispanics, the unemployed, and rural Americans are among those people who are less likely to use digital forms of reading (source c). Most likely this is due to a lack of opportunities to access modern technology. This is where public libraries step in. Already, it is shown that 22% of library computer users’ only access to the computers is at the library (source c). Libraries serve as a place to aid academic studies and a storage for information in all forms. There is a lot of potential for public libraries to serve as a bridge connecting the old ways of technology to the introduction of new and improved modern

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