Film Review Of The Movie 'Jules And Jim'

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Review of the movie
“Jules and Jim”, a movie shot from the semi-autobiography novel by Henri-Pierre Roche about the relationship between his wife and friend, Franz Hesse, revolves around decades of a love triangle between two friends and an impulsive woman. I liked the plot of the movie and the unfolding drama of the two best friends and the woman in their life. Despite coming from different backgrounds, with Jules an Austrian and Jim French, manage a great friendship and freedom until they met with Catherine, a woman they both fall in love with. Jules knows that he wants a girl, but cannot find the right woman. Previously, they had traded and shared girlfriends. However, when they met Catherine, the woman on a statue they had come across in Adriatic, Jules lets Jim know that he was not ready to share her with him. Finally, Jules leaves for Austria to marry the woman, whom the two men are already in love with. The love for the woman is so deep that Jim even marries her briefly during his visit to the couple in Austria after the Great War. The story however has a sad ending, with the death of Catherine and Jim in a cliff. Catherine hopes to satisfy her excessive insecurity through the two friends, to a point of manipulating her husband, Jules.
I also liked the creativity in the making of the movie. The magical opening of the movie, with Truffaut explaining the characters before the actual movie was a shift from the traditional way of filming, just as was the shift from comedies to tragedies during the same era. Arguably, “Jules and Jim” was perhaps the most influential and the best of the movies filmed during the era, breaking with the past. For instance, the introduction prepared the audience for the actual movie coming. In addi...

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...u love her, don't think me an obstacle.” The once conservative Jules realized that if Jim were to marry his wife, he would get an opportunity to work things out between the two of them. The look in Jim’s face indicates that this turn of events shocked him. He was not sure of the next words to say. Catherine was perhaps excited at the thought of sleeping with Jim, as she suggested that he was welcome to moving in with them. Now, Jules warns, “Careful, Jim, careful for both of you” an indication that he was still deeply in love with Catherine. These are an indication of the influence of the new wave on the director in the making of the film.
Many elements in the scene such as the use of a middle level apartment, the economization of the cast crew and the incorporation of a narrator all show the growing influence of the new wave in the production of “Jules and Jim.”

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