Film Comparison Of Castaway And Life Of Pi

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The movies, Castaway(2000), directed by Robert Zemeckis and Life Of Pi(2012), directed by Ang Lee are movies that both have similarities between them regarding technique and story line. Both of these movies thoroughly asses the aspect of isolation and survival through the concept of discovery throughout their duration.’Life of Pi’ is an example of a contemporarily-styled narrative, exploring many themes such as self and spiritual discovery of ones self. The movie has a story-within-a-story structure that gives a postmodern feel to the illustration of the brutality of mother nature, and the resilience of human spirit and ones faith. The consequence of an individuals discovery can in fact change their perspective of themselves and the world around them in which they ultimately portray it to be. However, the type of discovery an individual has can effect certain changes within their own world resulting in the alteration of the individuals perspective. In …show more content…

The movie ‘Castaway’ is an exploration of discovery of human survival and the ability of fate to alter even the tidiest of lives with one unexpected event. Many aspects of discovery is integrated throughout both of these movies and is concluded with the same message brought up by the movie which in both cases are the discovery of ones self and the consequences of these.

‘Life Of Pi’ is a Bildungsroman meaning ‘coming of age’ story which focuses on the spiritual and moral development of the central character (Pi), through emotional and physical ordeal. In the movie ‘Life Of Pi’ there are two main characters within the storyline. An adult Pi and younger Pi are seen and cut through back and forth

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