Film Analysis: Food Inc

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After viewing Food Inc, there were many social issues exposed in the film and had several effects on individuals, families, animals, etc. Robert Kenner, producer of this film tries to open up the societies views on how the meat industry deceives the buyer. It’s main purpose was to expose the truth about food industry. It shows many different scenes portraying the brutality towards animals like cutting off beaks of baby chickens or even cutting off the tails of cows. This film uses interviews from farmers to back up their argument. Today, our food supply is controlled by a handful of corporations that include things ahead of men and women’s health, and the safety of workers in our environment. Kenner made this film to let us find out where …show more content…

Each chapter tells a different story, that in the end goes back to proving the claim. In the documentary Food Inc, it uses the emotional appeal to show the cruelty of what food industry has done such as cutting off the beaks of baby chickens. Shown in the film, just by using newborn chickens and cutting off their beaks, this appeals to the audience that innocent young chickens were being tossed around through the belt while the worker takes it out of the beak. Another emotional appeal was the story of three year old Kevin dying from E-coli. He passed away twelve days after he was diagnosed and during those twelve days, was also not allowed to drink water. This appeals to the viewers because you saw what Kevin’s mom went through when watching her son beg for water and was not able to give him any. This film maintains a strong emotional appeal through harsh images and personal stories. Emotion is definitely one thing the director uses to convey the message in Food Inc.Showing the entire process was a very effective way to get the viewers to feel emotionally involved in the film and most of the messages it was …show more content…

Kenner states the eighty percent of the food market industry is controlled by the top four businesses. This relates to the claim because we know where it is coming from and who controls it. Also shown in the film was the hispanic family who made poor eating choices by choosing to eat fast food due to their busy lives and the struggle to afford fruits and vegetables. On top of that, the father was unhealthy and his medicine was too expensive. Another example of logos is when the film explains how bad conditions are only for the animals we ingest. They explain how cows are fed corn because it is cheaper, though, this increases the risk of E-coli in cows. This is terrible because cows are fed things that make them fat and

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