Filibustering the US

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Filibustering is as old as the United States, possibly even older. Filibusters had been dealt with throughout its existence with laws and legislation against it but it also can be appreciated. Before the Mexican-American war filibustering was working but was also being dealt with. After the war it was being dealt with in the opposite way. Filibustering also affected popular culture in new ways then other political and social issue, and many wanted to join in on filibustering. Since the beginning filibustering in the United States was part of the political system. The challenges of filibustering had an impact on the political spectrum of the United States, under international law. Filibusters in the US made headway in the way political laws and regulations were created. Over the course of American history filibustering had made new headway in political turmoil for the US government. This can be shown through the legislative action of the US government against filibustering before and after the Mexican-American war, the way it affected popular culture and romantic spirit of manifest destiny and its affect on US expansionism.
Before and after the Mexican- American War filibusters were dealt with like any other criminal. Many filibusters found it thrilling to go against international and domestic law. Filibusters in early history of the US wanted to add free colonies to their own country. The Neutrality Law of 1818 was created to stop and deal with filibusters. This law was the misery of American filibusters. Article 6 stated anyone will be imprisoned for a maximum of three years and fined up to three thousand dollars, who aided anyone in US jurisdiction, who attempted any military expedition against any state or jurisdiction the US...

... middle of paper ... as much after the Mexican-American War it still showed that Americans could go anywhere and live there and help the US expand. With manifest destiny telling the population they could help build the west expansionism happened rapidly.
Filibustering in the US has been around since the beginning, and has created tension and wars between the US and other countries. Filibustering affected politics before and after the Mexican-American war. Before the war filibustering was condemned and law was passed to stop it from continuing. After the war filibustering legislation was thrown away when a new president who supported filibustering was elected. Popular culture was affected as well and many felt the adventurous side of filibustering thrilling. Filibustering created political turmoil for the US government and made the affects of it either good or bad.

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