Fight Back And We'll Let You Go - Original Writing

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Fight Back And We'll Let You Go - Original Writing

I despised him for not fighting back, it was his own fault I suppose,

we gave him an opportunity to not get hurt, "fight back and we'll let

you go", we say that to every one of our victims, only rarely do they

ever fight back, I felt bad for what we were about to do.

We saw him as he walked down the road, bottle of coke in one hand and

a choc ice in the other, for him, the summer holidays was a sanctuary

away from the bullying tormenters that laughed at him, being

overweight and spotty is tough, especially amongst the predators that

stalk the halls at school. As soon as I saw him I knew there was gonna

be trouble, it was four in the afternoon and we'd not had a sniff of a

fight for weeks. As soon as got that familiar tight knot of

anticipation in the pit of my stomach, I felt sorry for the little

bastard and what we were about to do.

Obviously the other lads didn't feel the way I did, Mark, James,

Steve, Rick and Sty; they were my best mates, almost family, my

brothers if you will. We were all sixteen, except Mark whose seventeen

and the meanest bastard there is.

We stepped in front of the podgy kid, who had his eyes on the pavement

humming some non-existent tune to himself. Our shadows blocked out the

sun and the small kid looked up, "alright?" he muttered, not to anyone

in particular, he kept his eyes on us the whole time, flickering

anxiously as he tried not to cry.

"I'm thirsty" Mark said, scratching his neck, watching the kid like a

hawk. The kid stared at the coke can in his hand and back to Mark's

face, James reached out a huge hand and snatched the can off the kid

and handed it to Mark. Mark tipped back his head and tipped the

contents of the can into his mouth, swilled them around for a couple

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