Feudalism: The Structure Of The Feudal System

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(MIP-1) The manor was the physical place where everyone in the feudal society worked and lived. (SIP-A) The place where peasants and the vassals lived and worked was called the manor.The word “manor” came from French verb “maneir”, meaning “To Dwell”. Most manors were large amounts of land, usually from 900 to 2,000 acres (S4). All manors contained a manor house, or large estate of a Feudal Lord, and the land attached (S5). Manors also contained; a parish church, small cruck houses or huts for peasants, barns, a mill for grinding grain, orcharder, woodlands, fishponds, an outdoor oven for baking, small herb and vegetable gardens and a place for keeping bees(S4).The excess land on the manor was split into five sections, farmland, meadows, oasturekand, …show more content…

(SIP-A) The way the manor worked, created an environment that knights felt was worth putting their life on the line for. In order for the manor to work fluently, feudalism had to be taking place. Feudalism was mostly political and military during medieval times, while manorialism was focused more on the economic and social aspects. These two concepts worked hand and hand. Basically, the king's gave fiefs to lords in order to cultivate a strong military. (SIP-B) Not only did the self sufficiency of the manor influence knights to do their job, but the peasants as well. Peasants had no way to defend themselves from invaders on the countryside, this was why they agreed to contracts with powerful Lords. The peasants agreed that they would work for the lords in fields, and to give the lord a percentage of crops they grew and livestock they raised (portion of the serf’s chickens, pigs, and livestock). They gave all of this in exchange for safety inside the walls of the manor. Although serfs seem as if they had no rights or benefits to this, they did have the right to strips of land where they met their needs for clothing, food, and shelter, they could only be sold with the land and not individually (S5). (CS) Due to the exchanges of goods and services that took place in the manor, it ultimately helped the vassals and the serfs to get what they need in the …show more content…

(SIP-A) Bread is extremely important to the triumph of the vassals and military. Due to the fact that bread never goes unneeded, it is a main currency provided by the bakers. In exchange for protection, bakers gave bread to the lord and knights. This is important because lords knights can solely focus on providing protection and not on making food. (SIP-B) The main part of every medieval citizens diet, was bread. Commercial bakers produced and baked all of the bread eaten by the medieval people (S9). If there was no baker, there would be no bread. Everyone in the feudal hierarchy benefits off of the role of the baker, and without it nobody would go

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