Fetal Pig Lab Report

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Pre-Lab Questions:

The term "fetal" means/refers to the developing young in the uterus.
These fetal pigs are obtained by pigs that were killed in the meat packing industry.
These pigs have vessels that are double injected with red and blue latex to preserve their body.
Pigs are frequently used for educational dissections because they are very easy to dissect and label/recognize all their different body parts.
The Umbilical Arteries carry the pig's blood from its fetus to its placenta. It is at the pig's placenta where it exchanges waste in return for nutrients with the mother's blood. The Umbilical Vein transports the blood back from the placenta to the fetus.

Activity #1- External Anatomy

Our pig is a male because the urogenital papilla …show more content…

Two characteristics of our pig's auricles are that they are flat and external. Our pig's ear holes are narrow and the ear itself is pointy. We believe our pig has pointy or sharp ears is because it makes them alert and also makes it easier for them to hear a predator coming and also so they can hear a longer distance.

Activity #2- Respiratory System

The two cavities of the Respiratory System are the Nasal Cavity and the Oral Cavity. The Oral Cavity includes the external nostril, hard palate, soft palate, teeth, esophagus, epiglottis, tongue, mandible, and the glottis. The Nasal Cavity includes the nose, mouth, larynx, trachea, lungs, and the diaphragm.
The function of the Pharynx is to swallow food. The function of the Larynx is to allow the pig to make sounds and speak. The main function of the trachea is to provide a clear airway for air to enter and exit the out the lungs.
The function of the diaphragm is to allow and make it possible for the pig to breath.

Activity #3- The Circulatory …show more content…

Activity #4- The Digestive System

The front part of the roof of the mouth is called the hard palate and the the back part of the mouth is called the soft palate.
The mouth, throat (pharynx), esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine all make up the caudal digestive system.
The function of the liver in a fetal pig is to make bile to break down fats. It also filters poison and drugs out of the blood.

Activity #5- The Urogenital System

The Excretory System and the Reproductive System combine to make up the Urogenital System.
Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary Bladder, and Urethra are the four main organs that make up the Urinary System. The Kidneys filter blood and produce urine. The Ureters function is to transfer urine to the urinary bladder from the kidneys. The Urinary Bladder is responsible for gathering and hold urine until it has to be excreted out the body.The Urethra is responsible for transporting and excreting urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the

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