Feminism is Still Pertinent Today

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Man hating and unhygienic are the words typically used to describe a modern-day feminist, but the words that should be used are passionate and righteous. Incomprehension of the meaning of feminism leads to a lack of necessary female empowerment. Feminism, by definition, is the belief in social, political, and economic equality of the sexes (Issitt). When women participate in feminism, instead of working against it, they can tackle the everyday issues that try to silence women in society. Women were finally given the right to vote in 1919 and have gained more prominence in society today. Though, they still face many issues and many walls that have to be broken down before they can be given the equal life opportunities that men are granted at birth (Lee). Feminism is still prerequisite in the world today to battle against the iniquity in financial, social, and political aspects so gender equality can be achieved. Under the Equal Pay Act of 1863, the gender wage gap supposedly no longer exists, but the facts are that “as of 2012 women in the U.S. earn 77 cents to a man's dollar” (ProQuest Staff). Men try to justify this unjust statistic by saying that “wage gap isn't necessarily the result of discrimination” (ProQuest Staff). Although, there is no logical reasoning behind it. When women are actually given the same jobs as men they may be paid the same but typically, they are not able to reach the higher positions in the company that men do. Even with their 77 cents to a man’s dollar, “women still tend to bear a larger responsibility for child care and other household matters within families” (Mazorelle). Women are not given the opportunity to earn as much as men and then they still have to take on a majority of the responsib... ... middle of paper ... ...35-56. Print. Issitt, Micha L. Flynn. "Feminism: An Overview." Points Of View: Feminism (2013): 1. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 17 Feb. 2014. Lee, Deborah Bourassa, Cheryl. "Point: Feminism Is Still Relevant." Points Of View: Feminism (2013): 2. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 17 Feb. 2014. Mazerolle, Brent. "Wage Gap Is 'More than Just a Dollar Figure'" Times [Moncton] 11 Feb. 2014: A.6. Print. Moscatello, Caitlin. "So...Are You a Feminist?" Editorial. Seventeen Magazine Apr. 2014: 122 23. Print. Pickert, Kate. "What Choice?" Time Magazine [New York City] 14 Jan. 2014, 1st ed., sec. 181: 40-46. Print. ProQuest Staff. "At Issue: Women's Rights." ProQuest LLC. 2014: n.pag. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. Shiu, Patricia. "Mad Men, Working Women and Fair Pay." U.S. Dept. of Labor. 29 Jan. 2014: n.p. SIRS Government Reporter. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.

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