Fault Line Chapter Summaries

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Fault Line: Psychological Book Review “We have an apartment that you visit, but it’s just holding space. A cage for two of us to walk around in, staring at each other, wondering who’s going to get out first.” Finally, Ani said the way she felt about her relationship with Ben after she was raped. Fault Line by Christa Desir its slogan is “Who do you blame?,” but it was very complicated to find someone to blame in the plot of Fault Line. This novel can be described as traumatic, touching and including depressive. Ani and Ben fell in love during summer they immediately connected when their senior year began they started dating they considered themselves perfect for each other until one-night Ben couldn’t companion Ani to a party where she supposedly was given roofies and violated by four guys that night was so maniacal that the guys allegedly also left a lighter inside Ani …show more content…

This book uses denial, bullying, active listening, frustration aggression, amnesia, depressive drugs, by standard effect, attitude change, identity confusion, attribution theory, cannon board theory, belief perseverance, change blindness, conformity, discrimination, group therapy, family therapy, id, and Punishment. The moment Ben found out what had happened to Ani he began to deny every part of it. He couldn’t accept his girlfriend had been raped and according to the people at the party “she was wasted, but she was into it,” Ben couldn’t understand how his perfect Ani could be at a party dancing on tables and stating she would have sex with many guys. When Ani woke up in the emergency room, she decided to isolate her self from everyone including her beloved boyfriend. She suffered amnesia, she began saying she didn’t remember anything from

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