Father's Plea, Two Kinds, And Everyday Use, By Amy Tan

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What if there was only one culture that everyone came from? There would be little to no diversity because no one had any differences. Without complex cultures, the world would be much different than it is today. A person’s culture defines where they come from and who they are. Culture in the stories An Indian Father’s Plea, Two Kinds, and Everyday Use informs the way one views the world and others.
When two people don’t see eye-to-eye, external conflict happens . In the letter, An Indian Father’s Plea, by Robert Lakes, a father is explaining to his son’s teacher that his son is not ‘slow’. Wind-Wolf, the student, grew up in a culture that was much different than his peers and teacher. His father writes to the teacher explaining “He is not culturally ‘disadvantaged,’ but he is …show more content…

In the novel, Two Kinds, by Amy Tan, a mother has such high expectations for her daughter who isn’t interested in achieving those expectations. Paragraph 45 of the excerpt says “I daydreamed about being somewhere else, about being someone else.” (Tan, 26) Her mother came from China and “believed you could be anything you wanted to be in America.” (Tan, 21) By growing up in America this daughter came from a different culture, knowing that not everyone was a prodigy and her mother just didn’t quite understand that. The short story, Everyday Use, by Alice Walker is about a girl named Dee who got an education whereas her family did not. Coming from a culture with a strong education, her and her family did not get along. They struggled to see eye-to-eye because Dee took advantage of being the smartest in the household. Dee looked down upon her family for not having the same education, “[Dee] wrote me once that no matter where we ‘choose’ to live, she will manage to come see us.” (Walker, 78) Dee has no respect for her family because her culture taught her that she is better than them because of her

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