Fast-Moving Society Rhetorical Analysis

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In previous generations, being with family and friends constantly, was on a daily occurrence. In today’s generation, those routines in our fast-moving society has drastically changed. Perry Patetic in his passage, “Fast-Moving Society”, proclaims that living in such a highly mobile society has its advantages, but many disadvantages. The author first supports his claim by first explaining the outcome of mobility with family relationships and friendships. He continues by describing past generations enjoying the presence of family and friends. The author’s purpose is to show the audience how mobility has affected the current generation so that everything can be identical to former generations. The author speaks a factual tone for distant families …show more content…

“I moved here for a better life, I didn’t want my children going through what I had to go through” (Naj Taylor, Mom). Suffering from abuse, child labor, and no freedom, Naj’s only escape was to become a flight attendant and leave her home country, Malaysia. It was a relief knowing that she was safe not being near her parents. She did not realize that, while she was running away she was also leaving her family and friends. Living in another country without her family will never be the same. No memories can be made, it becomes a broken family, no one is by your side, and you have to face the world by yourself at 19 years old. “...grandchildren and grandparents to spend time together, often we lose track of old friends we never see again” (Patetic). With no one there, growing up by yourself is rough, progressing without a helping hand. Grandparents may never know their grandchildren and memories playing with them will not be made. The result of a fast-moving society affects a family growing together and no relationships can be made face to face

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