Fashion Design Personal Statement

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Ever since I was a child, I dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. As far back as I can remember, whenever I had a paper and pencil, I would draw amateur fashion sketches. It seemed evident that fashion design was the career I would pursue. For birthday presents I would ask for sewing and art supplies so I could hone my skills to perfection. It seemed simple, all I needed to do was work on sewing and sketching until I would become proficiently skilled. I would then be able to procure a spot in fashion school and ultimately acquire a degree in apparel design. I anticipated interning during my college year with the aim of gaining a foothold in the fashion community. Ultimately, I dreamed of creating my own apparel line. When I received a rejection letter saying I was not accepted to fashion school it was upsetting but at the same time I knew that getting rejected on my first try was a possibility, and I was prepared to give it a second shot. Plan B was to spend the summer working even harder, perfecting a new portfolio in time to apply for the spring semester. A few weeks later I found myself reevaluating my future plans. I thought back to all the times I had spent diligently sewing and creatively sketching and I began to understand something about myself that I hadn’t realized until now. I love sketching and …show more content…

Now that fashion design was out, I needed to figure out in what direction I was heading. I had always found science intriguing, but I thought it to be exclusively for child prodigies and geniuses who had never failed at anything. Because I found science fascinating, I took the time to discuss the field with a mentor who knows me well. She was adamant that I was sorely mistaken and nothing should hold me back from pursuing a career in the sciences. She told me if I put my mind to it and gave it my all there is no reason why I should not

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