Fantasy Football – Maths Coursework – Statistics

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Fantasy Football – Maths Coursework – Statistics My coursework is based on the game ‘Fantasy Football’ which is ran by the British newspaper called ‘The Sun’. Fantasy Football is a competition based on building your own ‘dream team’ and collecting points to try and have the most points at the end of the season with your team, to win the cash prize. All the players from the English Premiership are used and a scoring system is used to see how well the players are doing and who has picked the best eleven players for their team. You are allowed to create your own team consisting of 1 goalkeeper, 4 defenders, 3 midfielders, 2 attackers and a ‘sub’ which must be either an attacker or midfielder. All the players are valued depending on how well they play and the number of points they have from last season. Competitors have a total of £40million ‘money’ to spend on their players. A scoring system is used and players can both gain and loose points. The points for all the players on your team are added up at the end of the season and the competitor who has the team with the most points wins. I am going to find out how to pick the top-scoring team and I will do this by using last year’s scores. I will use the 2003 scores as they were at the end of the season. I will not be including goalkeepers in my investigation because they have a different scoring system to defenders, midfielders and attackers. To do this I will use two hypotheses: Hypothesis 1 I think that attackers achieve more points than midfielders and defenders. Hypothesis 2: I think that 7+ Ratings will affect the number of points more than goals or clean sheets. The scoring system for attackers, midfielders and defenders is as follows: Achieving a 7+ rating: +3 points Achieving a Star Man Award: +5 points For scoring a goal: +5 points For scoring 3 or more goals in one match: +5 points extra

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