Fantasy Essay

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The Origin of Fantasy
In almost any western nation, ask a citizen what fantasy is (in comparison to science fiction). Odds are they’ll mention: royalty (kings, queens, princesses, etc), knights, pre-gun weaponry, infamous characters (like Robin Hood, Brumhilda, King Arthur, etc), the Brothers Grimm, legendary creatures (dragons, unicorns, fairies, etc), castles, and human derivative races (elves, wizards/witches, dwarves, giants, etc). These archetypes for this medieval mimesis have been developed into a well known culture through various formats and mediums such as art, games, books, movies, and television shows. However, these traits are far from the reality of what actually happened in the Medieval ages. This brings to light the question of where and when this genre really began to bloom. The first time fantasy themed art really started to expand was during the time of 1900th century (Romanticism in) France.
Sure one can find a few examples of fantasy art from earlier times, but throughout most of these artistic eras, such as the Renaissance, art predominantly pertained to ...

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