Family Structural Assessment

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Family composition and Structural Assessment
The interviewed family comprises of five individuals. T.G. and M.G. are heterosexual couple who have been married for 14 years and together have three children. M.G. is a 35 years old female and is currently unemployed and is a stay at home mom. T.G. is a 37 year old male who works fulltime in constructions. J.G. is a 14 year old heterosexual female who attends high school and is the eldest child. C.G. is an 11 year old heterosexual male who attends middle school and is heavily involved in sports and after school activities. A.G is a two month old female who does not attend daycare and remains mostly in the care of her mother.
Rank Order
T.G. is regarded as the head of the household and takes on the role of father and husband. His fulltime job as a construction worker is the only source of income for the …show more content…

is the eldest sibling and has taken on the role of helping with the household chores a looking after her younger brother. Culturally this is expected of the female children and J.G. has more household responsibilities than her young brother. While these duties are expected of J.G, more importance is place on her school work. T.G. and M.G. also feel that it is important for J.G to experience being a child and encourage her to do well in school and engage in extracurricular activities with friends when appropriate. Due to C.G.’s gender and age, he is given less responsibility to take care of the household. While he is expected to clean up after himself, he is not expected to engage in household chores such as cooking, and cleaning the overall house. While M.G. admits to experiencing behavior problems such as untruthfulness, bad attitude, and occasional disobedience, she regards this as normal childlike behaviors and attributes this to J.G being a teenager and C.G being a preteen. At only 2 months of age, A.G. is the youngest of the house and is obviously dependent upon her family members for basic care

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