Family Nurse Practitioner Essay

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The purpose of this paper is to research the advanced practice nursing role that I am pursuing at South University, which is the Family Nurse Practitioner track. In this paper, I will discuss the role of the FNP, whether it is clinical or non-clinical, and how the role promotes patient outcomes, safety, access to healthcare, or health information relative to this particular role. Also, I will include information regarding the advanced practice nurse that I will interview, and the questions that I plan to ask her. Clinical Role of the Family Nurse Practitioner Family Nurse Practitioner’s (FNP) are educated with a master’s degree or higher and are nationally certified and state licensed advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). …show more content…

Role transitions are dynamic processes of change that happen over time are new roles are attained. Five essential factors influence role transitions: (1) personal meaning of the transition, which relates to the degree of identity crisis experienced; (2) degree of planning, which involves the time and energy devoted to anticipating the change; (3) environmental barriers and supports, which refer to family, peer, school, and other components; (4) level of knowledge and skill, which relates to prior experience and school experiences; and (5) expectations, which are related to such factors as role models, literature, and media (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, & O'Grady, 2014). Interview I have chosen to interview April McLellan, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner. She is a partnering provider at a children’s clinic nearby to my hometown. I plan to interview Mrs. McLellan on May 24, 2018, to ask her a set of ten questions I have developed. They are: • Are you satisfied with your level of education that you received, and did you feel adequately prepared? • How long did it take you to feel confident in your job role as an

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