Family Bond In Amy Bloom's Silver Water

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Unbreakable Chains A bond is like a unbreakable chain that holds people together, but there is no bond in the entire universe that is stronger than a family bond. In “Silver Water” , author Amy Bloom shows the struggles of life for a family and their mentally disabled daughter Rose. Their family bond is put to the test, the test of love and the strength of that love. As Rose goes from therapist to therapist, insurance to insurance, hardship to hardship, her sister Violet, mother Galen, and father David stay by her side through everything as well as try to live their own lives. This all proves to be a challenge within a challenge,but they never once give up hope and love for Rose. The strength and loving support from this family is seen when they first meet Mr.Walker,one of the first few therapist Rose went to see. Rose acts rather inappropriate for Mr,Walker or “Ferret Face” as Rose called him, but instead of being upset with her,they find it all rather humorous. Annoyed Mr.Walker decides to say, “I wonder why it is that everyone is so entertained by Rose behaving so inappropriately.” The family instantly back Rose up from the rude comment which shows that even when Rose would “act out” , it was still her and they loved her for it. …show more content…

This is noticed as Rose and Violet grow from young sprouts to full flowers, but as one grows strong and beautiful, the other fades and wilts away. “This can’t go on Vi, we have twenty-seven days left, your mother gets no sleep because Rose doesn’t sleep…” says their father in a conversation with Violet when she came to visit. As Rose gets worse and worse, the family begins to start losing their hope for her recovery. They still love her with all their hearts and would do anything for her,but they cannot keep living with her worsening every

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