Fallen Angels Sparknotes

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The book Fallen Angels explains how you fight to survive and also the book is by Walter Dean Myers. On a jungle battle front where one misplaced step could be any soldier's last, every move can mean the difference between death and also survival. The way the book starts off is a 19 year old boy who lives in chicago, he recently joins the army and been assigned to do domestic work as he hoped for due to his bad leg and unreliable strength on it. He was eventually sent to Nam and put onto field. He also agreed to wait for his injury profile to catch up with him and then he could return home.His mother at home is quite worried for him and also for the future.

The theme of fallen angels would be something that has to do with youth and innocence. In the book the lieutenant Carroll explains how all soldiers are angel warriors because the soldiers are so young …show more content…

Once Richie leaves for basic training for vietnam , he harbors a host of illusions about the war and also the Army. He believes that the medical profile he has received for a knee injury will be processed and prevent him from engaging in combat. As Richie witnesses ever increasing levels of destruction and brutality , he starts to doubt whether it’s straightforward morality in war.

There are a couple of key main events in this story. Richie Struggles to come to terms with the reality of war, which the myths about war that he believe going into. Richie Enlistment in the army to escape his future. The misplacement files of Richie medical files, and his assignment to vietnam makes it difficult for him. Richie’s Burgeoning friendship with peewee,Jenkins, Johnson which are also soldiers start there journey to their camp near Chu Lai. Richie’s success in drafting a truthful letter to his brother that explains honestly unromantic and gruesome nature of

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