Failed Parenting By Simon Sinek Analysis

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Simon Sinek author, motivational speaker, and marketing consultant claim that a millennial are people who were born from 1984 and after. Studies show that a millennial can be tough to manage, lazy, narcissistic, and self-interested. A millennial want to make an impact, to work with a purpose. Failed parenting, social media, impatience, and environment can be the result of a bad millennial. First off, poor parenting, technology, environment, and impatience can result in a person being a bad millennial. Failed parenting can lead up to a person being a bad millennial. What your parents do and say can ruin your self-image. They can tell you information that is false. They make you believe that you can have anything you want, but you can’t have …show more content…

Everything takes time and if they’re not patient enough to go on that journey they’re going to fail. Sinek says that there's a mountain, and people only see the submit and not the journey to get there. People need to realize that things that matter take time. Things like love, joy, jobs, and skill sets are all things that take time. The journey might be long, but the payoff is worth it. Lastly, what goes around us in the environment can play a role in it. Corporate companies will have to make up for all the work that you didn’t get as a child. All the failed parenting, social media, and impatience will be involved on how a person can work in a job. Trying to make everyone the same is impossible, but corporate companies will still try too. All of this can be changed with people just changed their ways. In conclusion, a millennial is someone who was born in 1984 and after. These days collections of millennials are getting out of hand and there are many reasons to this. Poor parenting, social media, environment, and impatience is the effect of this. If millennials continue to ask like this, the best shape the world is one where people are only finding fake joy and happiness. Never truly finding this feeling if they just cruise on through life. What's important is the journey and the hard work that comes out of it, not the prize at the

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