Factors of Pharmaceutical Advertising in Bangladesh

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Pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh contributes a considerable portion in country’s economy. There are 250 allopathic drug manufacturing companies with more than 8,000 brands operating their activities within the country to meets internal as well as external (export) demand. This large number of drug is composed of 117 essential drugs and 100 supplementary drugs. The pharmaceutical market in Bangladesh earns total revenue of over 95.2 billion BDT (Bangladesh currency in Taka) with a growth of 12% annually of which a large percentage comes from sales of Over The Counter (OTC) medications1, 2. Pharmaceutical companies are allowed to promote their Under the counter (UTC) brands in specific media (medical journals, therapeutic indexes, etc.) but not in mass media. OTC drugs may promote to the mass media, but they need prior approval from the directorate of drug administration, Bangladesh. Nevertheless, advertisement of product creates awareness to the target customers, example; OTC advertisement to the mass people and UTC to the physicians. So, advertisement is an important factor to increase the sales value of the drug. In this advertisement, drug manufacturing company promote their product and portfolio related information to the physicians and end level customer3. Pharmaceutical companies mostly focus attention to advertize pharmaceutical products in the Therapeutic indexes and medical journals.

Two therapeutic indexes are available in Bangladesh and mostly followed by the practicing physicians. These books devote considerable space to advertising. The information and contents provided in the product advertisement motivates prescribers to prescribe advertised pharmaceutical products. Therefore, it yields millions of dollars of a...

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...measure any concrete outcomes or any cause and effect. The study samples include only the samples from two books and do not represent the entire population because of the non-random sample selection method used.

In this study, two therapeutic indexes were selected to analyze drug advertisement aand their referencing practice. We found that drug information provided in the QIMP and MIMS were taken considerable space, but most of the advertisement product related information was not based on scientific references. Healthcare providers should be cautious and not convinced by the lucrative pharmaceutical advertisements rather they should cross check the claims before prescribing to the patient. Finally, present situation can be improved if the drug regulation authority and paharmaceutical industry monitor and strictly control adequate references in drug advertisements.

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