Direct To Consumer Advertising

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Direct to consumer advertising (DTCA) is extremely common on the television and in magazines; however, this advertising does not contribute to the better health of patients. The direct to consumer advertisements have countless lies being portrayed in them, which can be misleading to patients, and possibly harmful to their health. The misleading information in the advertisements is presented in a way that encourages vulnerable, ailing people to seek out the particular, possibly harmful, drug expecting results that will most likely not be achieved. In these advertisements the patients are not made aware that there may be other non-pharmaceutical treatment options, so they tend to seek out and pressure their doctors to prescribe them the drugs …show more content…

Direct to consumer advertising is expensive and the reasoning behind drug companies spending copious amounts of money is solely to influence consumer choice about which drug they are prescribed (USFDA, 2009). The ads are not meant to inform possible patients about illnesses or how to treat illnesses, rather the main goal is to promote their expensive brand name drugs. Direct to consumer advertising promotes their drugs to make money rather than to treat the patient. There are many natural, non-pharmaceutical remedies for illnesses that are not mentioned in advertisements to consumers about drugs for that illness (Cox & Cox, 2010). These advertisements only ever suggest diet and exercise change in addition to their drug, never mentioning that the symptoms may be alleviated by simply adjusting one's diet and exercise. There are many health problems that are more appropriately solved with natural remedies, however the direct to consumer advertising promotes potentially harmful drugs over safer, natural remedies (Mintzes & Mangin, 2009). By promoting a medical experience centered around drugs, the direct to consumer advertisements are making it that people only seek out drugs as a solution to their medical problems, without considering other, more holistic, …show more content…

Many argue that it is a positive that patients are being given information about certain drugs that their doctors may not have told them about; however, their doctor is the individual who is the most knowledgeable about the patient's health and care, so they should be the one recommending possible treatments. It is a positive in the medical field that direct to consumer advertising creates an increase of patients engaging in deeper discussion and asking questions about their ailment, but doctor patient relationships should have this dialogue occur regardless of direct to consumer advertising (Cox & Cox, 2010). If doctors and patients are not having these conversations, then their relationship needs to be evaluated to make sure that their communication is being fully understood by both individuals, while acknowledging that direct to consumer advertising is not the way to create a more open communication in their doctor-patient relationship. When a consumer views an advertisement for a drug that is for an ailment that they may have, they go to their doctor and ask about that drug. Their medical team then has to make sure that the patient understands all of the risks and benefits associated with the specific drug, along with its usual success rate so as not to create false

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