FCS: Child Development And Family Life Education

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Name: Yifan Li section#09 option in FCS: Child Development and Family Life Education Values and Goals Assignment 1. The Ukleja Center for Ethical Treatment at CSULB states their core values as Integrity, Servant Leadership, Excellence, Empowerment, and Abundance. The Ukleja Center’s values provide guidance and a moral compass for individuals to use in applying ethical behavior in their personal and business lives (http://www.csulb.edu/colleges/cba/ucel/). How will your values guide your behavior in your profession in FCS? List the five top values important to you and then write a statement describing how one of those values guides your behavior in daily life. My five top values are helping society, health, education, freedom and openness. …show more content…

In daily basis, I try to help my friends with their problems, and sometimes I will give some money or food to homeless people. In addition, my goal is to help and improve the education of children and educate parents without knowledge of how to be parents, so I choose Child Development and Family Life Education major. Secondly, health is important to me because without health, there is hardly anything I can do. That’s the first basic requirement to live on this planet. As a college student, sometimes I’m under pressure, so my body gives me warning to remind me of resting or relaxing. Moreover, in the career field, the preschool I used to volunteer needs to TB test and other health proofs. To work with children needs a healthy and passionate teacher. Thirdly, education is one of my top values. To be a teacher needs knowledge and practice because the thing you teach will affect generations of generations. That’s why I choose to have at least a bachelor degree. All the college level reading and writing make you know more, and the vision is more broad. In personal life, education is helpful and beneficial. I discover I can join a lot of …show more content…

My career goal is to own a child care center. My personal goals are to get married and have children. Also, I want to live nearby my parents because I’m the only child in my family. 5. Identify three short-term goals to achieve in the next three years that will increase your ability to be successful in your chosen career. Keep these goals to the subject of your career only. I choose to learn an instrument such as piano or guitar because in the classroom, music is always good for children, and they like dancing and singing. Especially for children with special needs, some of them really enjoy the joy of What music brings them. Also, I want to learn Spanish because there are a variety of bilingual preschools in California. This skill can enhance my career skills. Finally, I will go to attend more workshops, committees and seminars relate to the Child Development field outside campus, so I can build more networks with more professionals and experts in this field. 6. What conflicts or obstacles do you foresee in obtaining your goals (address educational, career, and personal

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