Extermination of Jews in History

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Extermination of Jews in History

Jews have been discriminated for hundreds of years, they were made to

live in "ghettos", and they have been mistreated and often fall

subject to cruel jokes. This is because people blame the death of

Jesus Christ on them and Jews often were well educated so got the good

jobs or ran shops. Hitler always had hated the Jews immensely and he

also blamed the defeat of Germany in the First World War on them. When

Hitler took power he took action against the Jews by setting up the

boycott of Jewish owned businesses and he also banned them from being

able to teach. Hitler introduced the Nuremberg laws in 1935; this law

took away Jews German citizenship. In 1938 a German diplomat was

killed by a young Jew, Hitler did not tolerate this he gave plain

clothed SS men pick axes and sent them to the addresses of Jews,

ninety one Jews were killed and synagogues were set alight. This night

was to be known as "Kristallnact" or night of the broken glass.

Jews were not the only group that Hitler did not agree with. Any one

who challenged Nazi ideas, Homosexuals, mentally handicapped, other

races and gypsies were also discriminated against.

The ghettos were being to fill up and they were full of diseases and

were becoming a danger to Germans so the ghettos had to be cleared and

as the Nazis took over more countries the more Jews they had. Hitler

already had two secret programs of euthanasia or mercy killings. The

first programme was for handicapped children; around 5000 handicapped

children were put to death by lethal injection. The second programme

was adult euthanasia; this had the code name T-4 because the address

of the agency's headquarters was a villa at Tiergartenstrasse No. 4 in

a suburb of Berlin.

So killing the Jews seemed like an effective way of getting rid of the

Jews. The Nazis had decided that gassing would be the most effective

method and burning the bodies after would be an easy way to get rid of

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