Explain Why The Hijab Should Be Banned

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I do not feel Hijabs should be banned as they are part of some people's religion. It is not fair that people would consider stripping people's religious rights away from them. I think the problem is that people associate the wearing of a hijab with terrorism. Not only is that ignorant but it is also a disrespect to human life and values. Christians wear cross necklaces and no one has ever uttered the words we should ban the wearing the cross; it would cause a riot and complete anarchy. Hijabs have a bad rep because of 9/11, however not everyone who wears a hijab is like that. In the article “Secularism in France” The French President went on to say ” Pupils, who are naturally free to live their faith should nevertheless not arrive in schools, …show more content…

For that reason they might feel threatened and some may become violent; as would anyone. If you were a christian, and someone told you “ Your not aloud to wear a cross or speak of Jesus Christ ” then you would become very angry. If they live in America, France or anywhere in the world with human rights it would also be breaking the law upon their human rights that are stated in the Constitution. The United States is a great nation because of the freedom allowed for its people. The mix of cultures we have here, make up our identity as a nation and country. We do not have our own identity because we are made up of many different cultures. A women should be allowed to wear a hijab peacefully and not be subject to harassment. As long as she is following the rules like any other citizen then her hijab are of no harm to society. People like to associate the hijab with negative ideas. In all reality a hijab isn't a symbol of oppression or terrorism, it is the symbol of Islam in which is a religion of peace. Women don't wear a hijab because they are being forced to, they wear a hijab because they are in submission to their religion which is islam. Since the US is a symbol of freedom than any person should they be red blue or purple or the color of the rainbow and believe that Bigfoot is their god and he exist they should be allowed to wear whatever and believe whatever they

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