Explain Why Some Parents Do Not Pay Their Children To Get Good Grades

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Do you think that it’s ok for families to waste money on paying for good grades? Do you think that children benefit from cash? Do you think that this will help them in the future? Families pay their children for getting good grades. My essay targets parents/guardians that pay their children for getting good grades. Little do they know what they do with that money. Specific reasons for my opinion include it will make things much harder for them in the future, you don’t know what the money they get is used on, and you could save a lot of money and spend it on the kids in a different way, such as paying for a band instrument for them. Some kids only try on grades because they know they will be paid if they do well. What if they start to think …show more content…

You could spend the money that you are giving them for grades on things they want or activities they want to do such as sports or an instrument or a camp. For example, if your child likes sports you could use the money you would be paying them for a summer camp for them to get better, which will also help them in the long run because they aren’t getting better at anything when being paid. They will benefit if you don’t pay them. Objections include, camps can cost a lot more than paying kids, what if the child isn’t interested in sports or band or extra-curricular activities? And you will be paying more altogether because you have to pay for gas and to even do the activity. My response would be that if you never pay your children it will decrease the cost of the camp. If they aren’t interested in activities they could try a new thing and they can expand their horizons. Lastly, if you have to pay for gas and the activity you can carpool and you can save the money you usually would give to the kid on the …show more content…

I think the best solution for this is to stop paying kids for grades. Kids can be using the money they get for good grades on things they shouldn’t be, such as weapons, drugs, alcohol, etc. The steps are simple, tell your children that they should work hard for their grades without having to be paid. Tell them they should think about their future. Tell them you can spend that money on extra activities for them. That they don’t need money for motivation. Benefits of this would be saving money for things the family needs. Some possible objections would be that there is no harm in paying children for good grades, it’s none of your business whether their child gets paid or not, and that the child is motivated by money. My responses to the objections would be: You are right it is none of my business but, what happens when the kid goes to college? Will he/she still get paid then? Even with the expenses of college? Will they think they don’t need to try anymore because they aren’t being paid? They may think there is no point in trying because they don’t get

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