Explain Why Makeup Should Be Allowed In Schools Essay

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why girls should be allowed make up in school I think that makeup should be allowed in school for a number of reasons. First of all my main reason would be confidence, many girls in secondary school don't feel comfortable with themselves because of the way their skin is because of the age range between them and the older years as more of the older girls are more likely to wear makeup than some of the girls in the younger years, making the girls in the younger years especially less confident in the way they look giving them less confidence in themselves which can affect their grades and other important things in their life. Nowadays people will pick on girls with acne because their skin isn't perfect or isn't what is expected in the 21th century, this can have an effect on their insecurity and make them feel they aren't good enough, which no one wants to feel. But if makeup was allowed then the problem of bullying would be solved as girls could cover up the reason they are being bullied. I known that covering up is not always the solution but i think in this situation especially just by covering up will really boost girls of all ages confidence. …show more content…

It could be said students wear too much makeup to school so perhaps there should be rules on how much you wear, however if the student is wearing a minimal amount of makeup this will boost their confidence and make them feel much better about themselves boosting their grades and making them want to learn. We're not talking about masses of makeup just enough to cover up what the girls are worried about this way the teachers can still police the use of excessive makeup but girls are still allowed to wear

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