Explain Why I Want To Join This Program

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Do I have the qualities to join this program? This is a question I have been asking myself for awhile. This program seems interesting, and I would be honored if I got in, even though there are multiple others who feel the same. I find myself completely ready for the Cambridge Program, and I hope after reading this essay, you will too. One thing I love to do is help everyone around me when they ask for it, even though I can be considerably strict at times. I love to help people, whether it be in public, or just around the house. My current school has may clubs, and I like to be as involved as I can. I joined the News Team, Safety Patrol, and Chorus. I donate money to every single fundraiser - my own, and sometimes relatives if they want - along with keeping people safe. People often ask for my help - teachers, fellow students, family, etc. - even though I can be strict. Being strict is definitely a habit I’m trying to break. I only get strict when people get me mad, or when students are goofing off, and not doing work. My friends and family say that it is a leadership skill, but I want to stop doing it so often. So, I breathe and calm down, but I still do it sometimes. I am doing it less, and will be satisfied when I don’t do it anymore. …show more content…

In the morning, I wake up 15 minutes before 7:00, and meditate for awhile, while reading over basic rules and breathing calmly. I always relax before school, and make sure to stay that way. However, this doesn’t help as much when I get mad. When I get mad at a fellow student, I simply walk away - if I can - and breathe for 30 seconds. Then, I find the student and peacefully resolve the conflict. If it is a teacher, I remind myself that he/she is the authority, and what they say goes. I make sure to stay calm under many situations, and never resort to rule breaking actions, or

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