Explain The Motives Of Murder In Macbeth

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Through the quest of being king to the thought out murders, Macbeth did his deeds that led him to the place he wanted to be, but was it an accomplish or a plead for being guilty? Lady Macbeth led her husband Macbeth to take action in making a plot for murder to anguish the being of himself and his wife’s rise above to king and queen. Macbeths uncertainty and questioning towards his quest of the murders left him in shame and guilt, Although Macbeths wife set her husband on the quest for them to become royalty Macbeth went further into the plan and lady Macbeth slowly stepped away. Throughout the whole play, Macbeth held the most power to influence the actions of others. Macbeth held the action to murder the king to take his place and when all failed, the people suspected Macbeth to the murder and Macbeth killed his very close friend that was full of suspicion hoping it would all go away. Macbeth took on the quest of murdering the king and his good friend, Banquo. In the beginning …show more content…

This murder was a simple job for lady Macbeth to say for her husband to kill the man, but when it came down to it lady Macbeth let him do it and she put the murder off on the servants. It was all for two people to become king and queen, but after, when they were who they wanted to be they were still empty and although everything that had happened could not be taken back, maybe there was a thought of regret. Although Macbeth held a lot of power on the people, I would have to say Lady Macbeth did also. She was the reason Macbeth murdered the two men in the first place, including one of his very close friends. Lady Macbeth had no problem with her husband killing the king in the first place, so why did she act so mad when he killed two people? It was all her idea and after when all the people were so shocked she acted just as shocked although she told him to murder the

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