Exploring the Actions of Macbeth that Backfired in Shakespeare's Macbeth

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The dream of becoming king has ironically changed from a bright future to a tragic end due to some of the crucial decisions Macbeth has made during the course of his journey and a number of his actions will backfire on him. The first of his actions that backfired was when he murdered King Duncan which he regrets afterwards. Another action that backfired was the murder of the guards which could've drastically changed the outcome of this entire story since he could've gotten away with King Duncan's murder if he didn't commit it. The third action that backfired on Macbeth was when he ordered the murderers to murder Banquo and Fleance at which they failed to eliminate Fleance. The murder that he committed was a necessity for Macbeth in order to secure his spot as king. That murder was the killing of the king which he had to do since Duncan named his son, Malcolm as Prince of Cumberland which also meant that when Duncan passes away, Malcolm will be his successor and Macbeth knew that he had to murder King Duncan to keep his dream of becoming king, alive. This decision to murder the king ...

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