Explain The Biggest Conflict In Freaks And Geeks

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The biggest conflicts that the teens in freaks and geeks face are parent issues, bullying, and trying to fit in. I say these are the main ones because of how they act during the episodes. I have went through these before. I have been through the bullying by others which was hard to fight through. Also i have been through the parent issues some too. But the main one is trying to fit in. One conflict would be the parent issues. Just like lindsey, i have went through the issues between myself and my parents. I say this because in the episode lindsey’s parents always wanted her perfect and do good. Well today my parents are always on me to do good in school. They push me to do the best i can. With all this it can be really hard to do things. The second conflict would be bullying by others. Just like sam and his friends being bullied in gym class i have been bullied as well. I have been made fun of and picked on by others. From even the simplest things to the ones that can hurt even go through the heart. The things people say and can do to you can be awful. They do things but then they don’t realize what the people they make fun of have been through within their life times. …show more content…

this is the most important one within the episodes, especially with lindsey. In the episode, lindsey tries her best to fit in. but then she finally realizes that the people she trys to fit in with isn’t the kind of people she wants to be around. Im similar because i try to be friends with people but they be nice then turn around and backstabs. I try to fit in with people but then realize that they are just pretending to be my friends. I even go to be by myself sometimes just because i dont feel like they are actually true friends. Sometimes all you can do is just stay to yourself like me. Because if not then you are just going to be some person to the people that say they are your

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