Executive Coaching

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Executive coaching has proven its value to CEOs facing complex business and personal challenges. Behind every successful intervention are a successful professional coach and a receptive. Executive coaching enhance the individual executive’s contribution to organizational performance. If coaching can’t be directly and positively correlated to performance, it will eventually become just be forgettable. The coach owns the decisions and actions arising from the coaching process. As in any true coaching relationship, it is understood that the coach does not bring function-specific or operational solutions to the table
After considerable discussion with the CEO, the executive coach observed a common pattern of behavior. The CEO was using his direct …show more content…

Prior to the meetings, each person was told to draw up a list of what the other should do more of and less of, and what each should stop doing altogether. They also drew up what is known as an empathy list – what they thought would be on the other person’s list. Facilitated by the executive coach, the meetings allowed the CEO and direct reports to discuss how they could support each other and do a better job. Throughout this process, each person had the right to convene a meeting to discuss any friction.
The meetings helped the CEO and direct reports to realign their responsibilities. The CEO also learned that he needed to nurture himself and realign his work-life balance. The toxicity that had been affecting interpersonal relationships was greatly reduced, if not totally eliminated.
After considerable dialogue with the executive coach, the CEO strongly urged the board to stay the course on what he believed to be a sound business plan. He felt the company’s performance would be seriously undermined by the board’s proposed actions. The CEO wanted the board to allow him to focus on the fundamentals of the business and highlight the real risk factors in his presentation to the financial community. He believed that this was a better way to develop credibility with investors for the longer …show more content…

He is now the CEO of a private company where the majority owners appreciate his time and effort and don’t have to worry about a daily share price. He is able to focus his efforts on the real issues facing the business, and a lot of his stress has disappeared. On advice of the executive coach, the CEO assigned the human resources manager to survey an issue that has just surfaced. However with him moving on so quickly he couldn’t understand what to do in this situation. He was so quick to move on that he forgot that he really need more experience for this type of problem.
You might think that since he started it business that he should have everything thing that his needs to know. The CEO moved on the fast from the learning experience that he was receiving from his old career. Even though he wasn’t getting the leadership that he wanted, his other colleagues weren’t pushing him in the wrong direction. The CEO may have thought he was getting taken advantage of but he wasn’t, you have to let things take their course for

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