Exchanging Information Through Social Media

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The common definition of social media would be “the relationships that exist between network of people” (Walter & Riviera, 2004). For the past years, the ever changing Internet and World Wide Web have caused the virtual and electronic world to evolve in such ways that mankind never expected. With this new and improved method of transferring information through social networks and media people of almost all ages can now be able to exchange ideas, personal information, and feelings with great ease and without the hassle of telephones and massive payments. Schill (2011), an expert in the field, studied the current situation and concluded that these social network websites are promoting a negative feedback on the population and causing people to waste their time and procrastinate. It has also promoted cyber bullying and terrorism. For example, every day of the week, adults and children, regardless of their ages, spend numerous hours hypnotized by the virtual world chatting with friends and family through different mediums such as Facebook, Twitter and many more. There have been multiple studies made in order to clarify the relationship between social media and students.
If viewed from a different perspective, it can be noticed that the social networks don’t only have negative effects, but can also have advantages as well. Theses social networks are a new method of communication. For people that want to get to know others, this is the perfect opportunity to explore and meet new people without having to go through the hassle of meeting the person face to face. It is actually helping them get to know new and interesting people which helps them develop and share new ideas. Nowadays, whether we agree with it or not, as social media sites c...

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...most important elements that control the character of the man who has been addicted to. This means that, the user will always feel inclined to check social media from time to time, thus disrupting their train of thought and causing them to lose focus and then forcing them to the acquisition of information and ideas embodied in. The future of social media looks very promising but still it has to deal with the troubles associated with it .So, it has been found that the use of social media should not be abused, but used in moderation, to decrease the distraction and allow the student to focus on their studies and consider more about the balancing between social media and academic life, otherwise the risk behind using social media would be more dangerous, so why don’t we put limits to the excessive interaction between us and social media and live more comfortable lives?

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