Examples Of The Butterfly Effect In The Crucible

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These witch trials are all based on the butterfly effect, how your actions affect what happens later in life. When characters choose certain things to do or say it comes back to spite them.
One area where the butterfly effect takes place is when John Proctor has an affair with Abigail Williams, who then later uses that against him to throw his wife under the bus. Abigail wants John to want her, and lets him know that, "John- I am waitin' for you every night. Proctor: Abigail, I never give you hope to wait for me (1107)." Proctor tries to tell Abigail that he doesn’t want to be with her but Abigail sees different. After Proctor says no to her she is upset and says Elizabeth (John's wife) is accused of witchcraft. Then John tries to save his

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