Examples Of Conformity In The Crucible

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Conformity and Fate in The Crucible
We often hear about people of Middle Eastern descent being called terrorist at the airport and no one doing anything to stop that behavior – if you do anything people hate you. Or does one go with the crowd and bully someone or does one attempt to do the morally correct thing and stand up to the bullying but face social harassment of their own? The Crucible: a play by Arthur Miller takes place in the small town of Salem in the late 1600s amid the witch trials and an affair between John Proctor and Abigail Williams. Innocent people are accused of supporting witchcraft and Proctor ultimately dies to save these people and stop the conformity. In The Crucible, choosing conformity becomes a moral choice of right …show more content…

His refusal to go to church and avoid baptizing his kids is due impart to him thinking that Reverend Parris is a dishonest church leader. All these acts against conformity truly define who he is at the end of the play when he avoids succumbing to the conformity. Proctor was falsely accused of being a witch and was facing execution. He was desperate to give in to the conformity because he was facing death, but he stayed true to himself and did not give in to conformity. Proctor says, “And there’s your first marvel… for now I do think some shred of goodness in John Proctor”; this implies that he realizes he made the morally right choice (Miller 144). He just saved the life of many innocent people by giving his own life. For Proctor saving the people and giving up is life was the only option. “I am no Sarah Good or Tituba … it is no part of salvation that you use me… I have given you my soul; leave me my name”; as John Proctor says this it implies how morally strong he is because he thinks it is shameful to go along with the conformity (Miller 142 – 144). Most of the court was against Proctor and were pressuring him to surrender but he refused. He says, “for them that quail to bring men out of ignorance, as I have quailed… we will burn, we will burn together”; this emphasizes the fact that he truly understands that there is

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