Abortion As A Social Problem

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A Social problems an issue that society feels needs to be changed or adjusted. Many social problems involve things that affect society and the people that live in it. A social problem can also just be something that people have two different opinions on. It can be described as a controversial issue. Social problems are ideas that people think should be brought to attention to better society. Almost every social problem that exists affects someone somewhere. There are people that have studied these issues for the past several years called sociologists. If all of these problems were solved there would rarely be any conversies in the world. In this paper I am going to be introducing a very current and discussed social problem, abortion. I will …show more content…

Now is there a solution to this social problem abortion? In theory there very well could be a solution, it may not work very well but there could be one. Sociologists study these social problems and have probably researched how to solve most of them for years. Personally the only solution I see to this problem it to just encourage good moral skills. By saying that I mean young teenagers are going to do what they want to do, there’s not really a solution to that. On the other hand I feel like if the entire society encouraged good moral skills the best they could, there would be less teen pregnancies overall. The biggest thing that causes such high abortion rates is young girls having unprotected sex, resulting in a child they wish to not keep. If society tried very hard to encourage teens to have protected sex than I highly doubt abortion would even be a social problem. The amount of abortions would decrease by so much if teens were being smart. There are 1.1 million abortions on average every year which could be lowered. (Abortion Facts) I don’t think the government would need to intervene to solve the issue of abortion. It is definitely an important problem but I can see it being resolved through society not the government. Education could play a pretty big role in the solution to this social problem. If schools spent more time teaching teens to be safe and be protected it would make the solution to abortion much easier. Students in school are there to learn, theoretically teachers could “imbed” the idea of being safe into young teens than the rates of abortion would be much lower than years prior. In conclusion, there are many things that affect abortion and a lot of different things that people think about

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