Understanding Gender Pay Gap in America

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In recent times there has been has been countless clash in the media about the effects of sexism. One of the aspects that many people argue about is the difference in women and men’s pay. Many people argue that if both women have the same job, then why men get pay more money if they are completing the same task. This simple facts amazes many, how can a country like the United States who endorses freedom and equality still not regard everyone as equals. Along with this this is no doubt that males are getting the benefit of obtaining better jobs, for example men would get paid more than woman who received the same level of education. To add to that out of the people who received no education the same trend followed. Lastly, my mother has had …show more content…

To start things off both of my family member make the bear minimum because their boss knowns that they cannot do much about this. My mother has been working in a metal factory for about 20 years. Her hours are not so unusual, 6-4, Monday through Fridays and she is held to the same standard as the men are. The only difference is that she gets paid less than most of the men there even I they’ve been working less time then she has. I’ve heard stories on how she would as for raises from time to time but her boss said that she would rather fire her. This is not an option for my mother and her boss knows that. He exploits the fact that not many people are so eager to hire an elderly Mexican woman who does not know the common tongue. Not many people understand the severity of sexism in a work place, they think that a mere 70 cents for a dollars is the grand picture while in reality it’s just the surface. Women on a day to day basis are not treated in the same regards as women and due to my biased perspective on the matter I find it very repulsive. A work place should be give merit on efficiency and precision on work done rather than the sex of a person. If we are deem equal then why do women get paid so much less than men? I know the argument pregnancy can easily be thrown to women but is that really the case for every single situation. Along with this, why doesn’t a culture

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