Examples Of Selfishness In Romeo And Juliet

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The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet could have never happened if not for the ideals and emotions portrayed by the characters in the play. Selfishness is a problem that the characters in “Romeo and Juliet” deal with on a daily basis. These same characters also have an excess of anger towards each other and themselves. In the society that this play is based in, honour causes many problems as people fight to protect their honour. In “Romeo and Juliet” some of the most destructive elements are selfishness, anger and honour. Selfishness is defined by the Miriam-Webster dictionary as “Taking care fo only a person’s own needs and feelings without thought for others”. Romeo and Juliet are very selfish people and their selfishness caused many problems in the play. One example of this is in Act 2 Scene 1 when Romeo has left his friends …show more content…

He is not thinking of his friends or what they will think of his disappearance but instead is only focused on Juliet and how he cannot wait to see her again. He continues to completely forget about his friends later in the play as well. As he disregards his friends, he is showing just how selfish he is. A more Juliet based example is when Juliet fakes her own death is order to run away with Romeo. In Act 4 Scene 1, Juliet is talking to Friar Lawrence and pleading for him to help her get to Romeo. After she is given the potion, she says, “Lave give me strength, and strength shall help afford. Farewell, dear father.”(4.1.127-128). She shows little care about what her parents would think or how they would react to her death. When most people plan to fake their own death, they usually consider the effects it will have on the people around them. Juliet did not do this and that leads us to believe that she does not care about her parents eat all and was selfishly hosing to do this for her own good. Just as Juliet faked her own death, Romeo was also

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