Examples Of Religious Extremism

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Is religious extremism good or bad ?

Name: Lee Yun Suk
Prof. VYAS Utpal

Religious extremism is neither good nor bad

In regard to religious extremism, many say that nonreligious people are better than religious people. However, contrary to those claims, not all religious activities are categorized as bad by society. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in March 2013, “While those with no religious affiliation are less negative than other U.S. adults in their assessment of this trend, only about a quarter of the religiously unaffiliated (24%) says it is a good thing that more people are not religious. About as many (19%) say it is a bad thing, and a 55% majority says it does not make much difference for society.” (Growth of the Nonreligious, 2013) As such, it depends on the definition of extremism and terrorism, as discussed in the following articles, (Religious extremism: The good, the bad, and the deadly). It can be said that religious extremism is neither good nor bad.

Firstly, According to article (Religious extremism: The good, the bad, and the deadly) because of their similarities to each other, there are confusions between religious extremism and terrorism. The differences between the two are the values they hold and the intention of the act. “Religious extremists are willing to murder because they embrace theologies that sanction violence in the service of God. They have no sympathy for their victims, because they view those victims as enemies of God.” (Iannaccone, L. R., & Berman, E. 2006) Religious sects are organized by internal scholarships which strongly contribute to the forming of their values.

In addition, Iann...

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