Examples Of Omniscient

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Have you ever heard of the prefix “Omni”? Have you heard it in the bible? The prefix “Omni” means “all” or “everything”. Throughout the bible, there are many examples of this prefix being linked with various suffixes. Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent are the 3 main “Omnis” in the bible. As you will see, God is all of these. Firstly, Omniscient is described in dictionary.com as, “having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding”. This means that one is all-knowing; always aware of anything going on. This describes God very well. A great example of this in the bible comes from Psalm 139:1-3. In this verse, David is praying to the LORD, and recognizing that he knows everything about him. God knows each and every one of us, therefore he loves us and can always take care of us. Omniscient describes God because he is all-knowing. …show more content…

Dictionary.com describes Omnipresent as, “present everywhere at the same time”, meaning that one is all-around. God is indeed always everywhere! In Jeremiah 23:23-24, the LORD declares he fills heaven and earth. As Christians, we can believe this is true because the bible says it. God has sent his holy spirit so he is always with us, then when Jesus comes back again, we will be with him forever in heaven. Therefore, God is all-around at all times. Finally, the last “Omni” word is Omnipotent. This one is different than the other ones. Omnipotent to me is the most important one of all. Dictionary.com calls Omnipotent, “almighty or infinite in power, as God”. God created the universe, he created us, and he takes care of us. Not only does God know us all and is everywhere, but he is the one TRUE God. He is higher than any president or dictator, and should be treated like that. The bible says in Job 37:23 that the LORD is all powerful, is all righteous, and makes no mistakes. We can trust God as being all-powerful that he would take care of

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