Examples Of Obstacles In The Odyssey

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Student Sample Obstacles are an Important Aspect of Life

Adversity enhances ones’ positive characteristics due to the provision of an ideal environment for establishing integrity and developing a mature mindset. This conclusion is valid because people tend to learn from their mistakes, thus gaining a broader perspective on life.
Often, calamity serves as a catalyst for the unveiling of latent talents; literature provides the venue for plots that tend to revolve around overcoming challenges and hardships. Notably, in the epic poem, “The Odyssey,” the heroic Odysseus has to overcome many hardships. His survival and return home tells the story of a fallible man who makes mistakes, but learns many lessons along the way. After enduring the …show more content…

There are a plethora of historical figures who have surmounted their obstacles and achieved their goal. For example, Martin Luther King, a famous, revered individual, had his own impediments prior to his success; to a greater extent than most, his youth consisted of physical and verbal abuse on a daily basis. Though he lived in a time of overwhelming racism, King bested his obstacles and called for order and for the equal rights of the black race. Throughout, his bleak and bitter past served as a motivator for him to lead the United States into unity. This is to say that his goal of ubiquitous equality was a notion that he may not have had if certain hardships were not prevalent in his youth. Furthermore, Albert Einstein encountered great adversity during his teen years before he could become one of the most highly regarded scientists in history. In a similar manner to Martin Luther King, Einstein had a rough upbringing, being expelled from high school and denied admittance to the Zurich Polytechnic School. Rather than succumbing to a negative outlook on life, he instead decided to persevere and ended up prospering, as indicated by his Nobel Prize. In the event that such challenges did not occur, it is probable that Einstein would have retained a sophomoric mentality without developing the grit necessary to become a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Therefore, we can see that hardships confronted by people develop them into stronger human

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