Examples Of Mock Epic In Beowulf

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An epic is a long poem that is typically derived from ancient oral tradition. Beowulf and The Rape of the Lock are seen as complete opposites based on the epic style of poem. Beowulf is seen as a folk epic that is very big on heroes and supernatural abilities. The Rape of the Lock can be seen as a mock epic because it is making fun of the exaggerations that an epic has. In Beowulf, there are many reasons why it is seen as a major folk epic. Beowulf is considered the epic hero because he did a lot of things to deserve that title. He is well known for fighting and winning in epic battles against creatures with supernatural strengths. Beowulf does many things that are out of human ability by using his supernatural strengths to kill monsters and save his hometown as well as Hrothgar. The setting in this poem is very diverse, he goes from Hrothgar to the bottom of a swamp, and then back to his hometown of Geatland. The epic involves supernatural by …show more content…

The “epic” hero does not deserve to receive that title because all the hero, Belinda, does is win 2 battles to get back the lock of hair that was stolen from her. The only supernatural strengths that are shown in this poem is when the sylph was cut in half after the lock was cut off of Belinda’s hair. The setting of this epic is not as diverse as most other epics that are written in this time period because it was only set at the Hampton Court and never switched to anywhere else. There is actually some involvement of supernatural creatures in this epic because they talk about sylphs, spirits, and Goddesses. This written style is seen as very exaggerated in this piece because the cutting of the lock of hair is exaggerated into a bigger problem than it had to be. In this epic, the narrator knows about everything that is going on throughout the situation with the

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