Examples Of Maturity In Romeo And Juliet

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What is maturity? Maturity is the ability to be careful and thorough in one's actions. Maturity does not always mean listening to what others say. Maturity doesn't mean never take risks, but maturity does mean thinking through actions and the consequences of said actions before making a decision. The most obvious sign of immaturity is impulsiveness; impulsiveness implies not thinking about actions and the consequences of said actions, this goes against the very definition of being mature. One important cultural example of maturity is Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet the two main characters act impulsively making an entire lives worth of decisions in one night, with little or no foresight. At the end of the story both Romeo and Juliet meet a tragic end, one that could have been avoided if every action taken that fateful night was rationed and thought out instead of rash and impulsive. Romeo and Juliet’s demise was the resolution of …show more content…

The cause of this correlation is the reality that older people have had more mistakes in their life than someone younger than them, this causees them to be more mature, on average, than someone younger than themselves. This is the cause of the false belief that age equals maturity. It is hard to blame anyone who believes in the argument that age equals maturity because it often appears that this is the case, and is the case in some examples, but as shown in Romeo and Juliet this is not always the case.
Maturity can be the byproduct of age, but so often this is not the case. Most huge mistakes made by immature people aren’t just caused by their own immaturity but often is caused by the combined immaturity of themselves and an authority figure. As seen in Romeo and Juliet these mistakes can have extremely dire consequences for all parties involved. Nevertheless, these mistakes are needed lest the whole world be

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