Why The Responsible Age Should Stay At 21

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¨Maturity doesn't come with age: It comes with acceptance of responsibility¨ said by Dr. Edwin Louis Cole. Maturity comes with responsibility. In order to be mature you have to be responsible. There are many ages people consider what the responsible age is. I think that the age of adulthood/responsibility should be 21 because at 21 you are more responsible at doing things then at other ages.
The age 21 should be the legal age of responsibility because many people that are 21 are mature enough to do the things they choose to do. One example of this is in the fact that most 21 year olds start to drink and go to bars. Alan Greenblatt in his article “Age of Responsibility” he cites, Alexander Wagenaar, a health policy professor who gave statistics …show more content…

This can be seen quite clearly in Alan Greenblatt article when he states that 18 year olds dont know how to live independently at or by themselves . The author says “They live independently at school for part of the year but under their parents roofs for the rest”(9). This evidence shows that 18 year olds can't live without their parents for sometime. 18 year olds need some type of help from their parents whereas 21 year olds don't need any type of support. In addition, 18 year olds need support for them to live. For example, after college most of them go on to live with their parents until they are ready to live by themselves. This is also evident when you consider the deaths that happen in car crashes from people that are 16 and 19. The author states that “According to CDC, 4,500 Americans between the ages 16 and 19 die from motor vehicle crashes annually, while another 400,000 are seriously injured”(24). This evidence shows that 16-19 year olds aren't responsible enough to be driving. It can be interpreted by the statistics CDC give the author. In conclusion 18 year olds aren't responsible to do a lot of things by

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