Examples Of Living In The Ghetto

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People believed that you have to be who you're destined to be… You can be who we want to be, an example of that is how people grew up in a not so great home or neighborhood and you didn't have such good parents or people to look up too. The typical story living in the ghetto, is having a dead-beat father who was in and out of prison because he dealt with drugs and a mom who was addicted to some type of drug(s) and a high school dropout. Then they have five kids and the girl follows the mom and becomes a high school dropout, pregnant at sixteen and, on some type of drug. The boy follows in the Fathers foot steps and becomes a drug dealer and living on the streets.

But, not this guy…
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named James …show more content…

James and his friends planned to go shoot up his house tomorrow night. That night he staying up and starting thinking about how he felt when his mom died and it made him even more pissed off. The next morning he was already, he got his gun and everything he needed to do what he needed get for his mission to get revenge. They all went to school that day so that way they will have an alibi if, that police came to their door also there was a dance that night too. They got tickets for the dance, they were going to go in his friend's car to the dance check into the dance and sneak out of the bathroom window and leave. Throughout the school day James was nervous and started to second guessing himself, all day was thinking about it. Hearing the gunshots in his mind seeing the guys body laying their. The time was coming close, he was getting ready to go to the dance, he was in the shower thinking about how guilty he was going to fill and what if he gets caught by the police? Will he go to prison? How will he take care of his little brothers and sisters? He starting thinking about all the responsibility he has and all the consequences that he will have to face when he does or if he does get

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