Examples Of Justice Equality And Fairness

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“Is justice, equality and fairness really being shown in the modern world?” This is a question that most people ponder about. In reality, these three terms are very closely related, and many wonder if the truth and value of justice, equality and fairness are still upheld in this era. I believe that although it is true that the righteousness of the world has been corrupted by evil, there is still a fragment of peace, harmony and impartiality is still present is some specific cases.
Having said so, for the characteristic of equity to be evident in one’s judgment, one must have these three attributes: Integrity, selflessness and purity of heart.

First of all, the attribute of integrity is essential for one to uphold justice. A person must have …show more content…

This could mean defending a person in a lawsuit who is being bad-mouthed by the media or press. Also, this could imply standing up for human rights and moral ethics, which most other people think are too old to be applied because times have changed. In these examples, the reputation and respect for the person is at stake. People may criticize someone who stands up against the modern but lawless acts that are implied today, such as homosexuality, abortion or racism. It takes someone who is selfless to stand up for justice and equality. In the book “To Kill a Mockingbird”, racism is evident when a mob of white men criticize and are prepared to harm the lawyer Atticus, who was depending a Negro in a lawsuit. Atticus was willing to take in the criticism and bear the consequences because he treated everyone alike in love and respect. Thus, Atticus was an example of a selfless …show more content…

In schools, defending the bullied from the bullies. In the work industry, treating colleagues and seniors with respect. In the home environment, showing love and kindness to one’s family members, without favoritism or biasness. In regards to the law, one should never be swayed by the evil influences of others for self-gain. Each and every one of us should uphold equality, punishing those who deserve it, and blessing those who need it. Yet, there are times where mercy and grace can be bestowed upon those who have done wrong. In this way, justice would be served, and would reign even with the impact of immorality, racism and the self-centered human nature. In order for this to take place, integrity, selflessness and purity must be embedded in each of

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