Examples Of Greed In Hamlet

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Greed is one of the most relevant and important sins out of the 7 Deadly Sins that is in Hamlet. Greed is great desire and selfishness for wealth power and other higher quality resources. Greed is bad because it can cause people to do bad things and influence them to be corrupt. Greed causes people to put materialistic things before life priorities and relationships and life goals. power can be a source that could change people in many different ways both good and bad. Power can be good because it gives people more authority to choose what can happen and give action to future events like pulling troops out of a country to avoid war, or give the ability to help people for instance give money to a charity if the person is powered with wealth. …show more content…

He was filled with greed because he wanted the throne and power to himself. Greed took over to such an extent that he actually poured poison into his ear to kill him. This represents greed because Claudius was King Hamlet’s brother and he wanted to inherit the throne to gain power so badly that he betrayed the trust of the royal family and his brother, committed murder, and committed treason. “That cannot be, since I am still possessed Of those effections, My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen” (3.3, ln 54-56). This quote by Claudius states he had been the convict of the murder of King Hamlet and he confesses the wrong he had done. He however does not show any regret or negative emotion towards the evil actions, exemplifying that greed truly has taken over his every …show more content…

“O Hamlet, what a falling off was there! From me, whose love was of that dignity That it went hand in hand even with the vow I made to her in marriage, and to decline Upon a wretch whose natural gifts were poor To those of mine.” (1.5, ln. 47-53) In this quote the ghost of King Hamlet is saying the Queen went from him, who loved her with the qualities that suits a legitimate marriage, to an evil villain whose gifts were poor compared to his own. But just like you can’t corrupt a true and honest good person, the opposite is also true: a lustful person like her can find satisfaction in a true love, or one full of lust and ingenuine nature. But this sin, although prevalent, isn’t something that would be a main theme of Hamlet. Even through lust you can trace the theme of greed. You are being greedy in pursuing a lustful relationship because it is only something you want to satisfy you in the meantime and isn’t genuine or

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