Examples Of Dramatic Irony In A Midsummer's Night Dream

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“Why do they run away? This is a knavery of them to make me afraid,” Exclaimed Bottom, not knowing why his friends ran away from him in fear (Shakespeare lll.l. 54). This is an example of dramatic irony, there are three main types of irony. Dramatic irony, verbal irony, and situational irony. Dramatic irony is when the audience and some of the characters know more then a character or other characters do at the time. Verbal irony occurs when someone says the opposite of what they mean. Situational irony occurs when the opposite of what is expected happens. There are many examples of irony used in A Midsummer's Night Dream. An example of dramatic irony is when Robin puts the magical flower into Lysander's eyes instead of Demetrius's eyes

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